Baddha Konasana- Cobblers Pose

Cobblers Pose

Baddha Konasana

A great hip opener during pregnancy. The reclined version of the pose is also recommended with a bolster or three folded blankets supporting the spine.

1. From Staff Pose, bend the knees bringing the soles of the feet together and letting the knees fall out to either side.

2. Keep the spine long.

3. Press the outer edges of the feet together strongly.

Beginners: Take padding under the sit bones if necessary. Position a block under each knee for support if necessary.

Welcome to Yoga for Moms Maryland


Welcome to our Yoga for Moms Maryland Edition!  

Tekla and I are very excited to create this blog.  We are hoping it becomes a space where expecting mamas can come and explore the wonderful world of pregnancy and motherhood.

We will keep you updated on current birth stories and upcoming guest speakers and events.   We will post links to helpful websites, blogs and books.

We attached our Facebook page to the blog so, even after you leave yoga class for the adventure of motherhood, you can still remain a part of our community!

And always, we will be present every Monday night for our prenatal yoga class…6-8pm located at Christian Temple.

